
A Picture Tells 1000 Words

Ok, so maybe not a thousand exactly, but enough for a word cloud at least!

I had so much fun creating the Tickled Pink free e-card (which you can see here) that I thought I'd share how I did it... it's so easy!

Take yourself over to Wordle and create a new word cloud by typing in a bunch of words. For my e-card I chose all the words I could think of, that are used as slang for breasts, seeing as my card is to raise awareness for breast cancer. The words in my card that appear larger are because I typed them in the body of text multiple times (twice to make it a bit larger, three times for the main word: October etc, etc). Then hit Go

Wordle will select at random a colour & layout for your words but you can alter this. You can hit Randomize until you find a selection you like or, if you're a control freak like me, you can make changes yourself using the menu at the top of the screen. The thing to remember here is that once you make a change, you can't hit a back button to find it again (I tried!). The solution is to hit the Print button & save it as a pdf file on your computer or to save it to the Public Gallery

When creating your Wordle, you can also freestyle it a bit by adding a website URL rather than specific text yourself. I decided to try this with the Get Smitten website... and this is what I got back....

What do you think? I think it's pretty cute, myself - obviously I changed the colours to match those of my site & I should've noted the name of the font, so apologies for that!

It's interesting to see what words I use most on my site (these are the ones that show up larger than the rest). It's a great way, I think, to evaluate the keywords & tags associated with a site and so therfore are being picked up by search engines. This is something I plan to look at in more detail soon.

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